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AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning

This course is available in:
Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Deutsch, English, Español, Français, italiano, Japanese See options

Course overview

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The aim of this unique and highly interactive e-Learning course/workshop is to empower participants to -

  • achieve a practical understanding of AS9100 by relating requirements to management techniques, best-practice methodologies and processes – rather than a clause-by-clause analysis

  • deploy the process approach, Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle and risk-based thinking

  • understand the specific requirements relating to QMS 'effectiveness' – process-level (PEARs), customer satisfaction and supplier performance

  • appreciate the benefits of adopting the modern, visual process approach to QMS design and documentation

  • be able to deal with ‘climate change’ requirements and understand ‘OCAP’ and ‘PBS/RP’

This practical e-Learning course typically takes between 16- and 24-hours to compete. It is suitable for management teams, process owners, prospective internal auditors and supplier auditors who need to understand and interpret the AS9100 requirements in a practical manner.

The e-Learning course is highly interactive and uses Quizzes and Exercises to conform personal understanding of the principles and practices involved. You can download your Training Certificate immediately on completion of the e-course.

It is the ideal option for people who need to have a sound knowledge of a what Quality Management System (QMS) is and understand the basic structure/requirements of the AS9100 series.

Our training package includes a downloadable (pdf) detailed Delegate Manual.

This e-Learning course also available as a 2-day event in ‘Face-to-Face format’ on-site at your premises, and as a public course hosted at our training venue, The Woodland Grange Conference Centre, Leamington Spa, UK.

Course details


  • Required reference standards (AS9100 only)

  • Interactive training and self-assessment

  • Delegate Manual (pdf download)

  • Using the Delegate Manual and AS9100

What is ‘Quality’?

  • Explanation of quality

  • Formal definition of quality

  • Exercise: How does your function/department define quality?

How can quality be measured?

  • Terms: qualitative & quantitative ‘degrees’ of quality

  • Exercise: How does your function/department measure quality?

What is a Quality Management System (QMS)?

  • Explanation of a QMS

  • How does the QMS fit into your organization?

  • Organization functions and departments

  • Exercise: Organization functions and departments

  • Organization purpose, strategic direction & values

  • Context of the Organization (COTO)

  • Exercise: Purpose, Strategic direction, Values, Just culture and Ethical behaviour

  • Requirements for a QMS

  • Standards use ‘verbal forms’

  • Exercise: The ‘verbal forms’ used in standards

  • What are the organization’s external and internal ‘environment’ and ‘issues’?
    Understanding the ‘business environment’ and ‘issues’

  • Methods for identifying external & internal issues

  • Climate action changes: Amendment 1

  • Climate action changes – other clauses and focus

  • Exercise: External/internal issues and identification tools

Who are the ‘interested parties’ and what are their requirements?

  • Definition and types of interested parties (relevant)

  • Requirements of interested parties (relevant)

  • Understanding statutory/regulatory QMS requirements

  • Capturing all applicable QMS requirements

  • Documenting interested parties’ requirements

  • Exercise: Interested parties and their requirements

What is the scope of the QMS?

  • Alignment of the QMS with P-D-C-A, Process approach and Risked-based thinking

  • Understanding the QMS scope and boundaries

  • Quiz: Scope of the QMS

What are the fundamental QMS ‘concepts’?

  • Practicality of the QMS

  • Understanding the QMS ‘fundamental concepts’

  • Quiz: Understanding the QMS ‘fundamental concepts’

What are the QMS Guidance and Requirements documents?

  • The ISO 9000 guidance document

  • ISO QMP document

  • Workshop Exercise: Quality management principles (QMPs)

  • The ‘basic’ ISO 9001 QMS requirements standard

  • The high-level structure of ISO 9001-based quality standards

  • The ISO/TS 9002 guidance document

  • The ISO 9004 guidance document

  • The AS9100 series of requirements standards

  • Requirements and implementation strategies

  • Aerospace Improvement Maturity Model (AIMM)

  • Quiz: QMS-related documents

What are the ‘management role’ requirements?

  • Definition of ‘management’

  • Definition of ‘top management’

  • Understanding the role of ‘top management’

  • Exercise: Requirements relating to top management

  • Understanding ‘ethical behaviour’, ‘just culture’ and ‘customer focus’

  • Exercise: Defining ‘ethical behaviour’, ‘just culture’ and ‘customer focus’

  • QMS planning process

What is Quality policy?

  • Definition of, and responsibility for, quality policy

  • Exercise: Requirements relating to quality policy

What is Authority, Responsibility and Accountability?

  • Defining Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

  • Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities

  • Organization people and competency

  • Need for, and duties of, a ‘management representative’

  • Exercise: Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

What are QMS processes?

  • Understanding QMS ‘processes’

  • Understanding the three types of QMS process

  • Quiz: Identifying different QMS process types

What are the QMS ‘value-streams’?

  • Understanding the ‘value-streams’

  • Identifying OPERATION process ‘value streams’/clauses

  • Exercise: OPERATION processes and AS9100 clauses

  • Quiz: identifying types of QMS process

  • Benefits of a process approach to QMS design

  • Exercise: Evaluating an organization’s description of its QMS processes and their sequence and interaction

  • Describe how operation processes interrelate and interact

  • Map your ‘value stream’ operation processes

  • Exercise: Evaluating an organization’s description of its QMS processes and their sequence and interaction

  • Specifying ‘planned arrangements’ for processes

  • Specifying ‘controlled conditions’ for processes

  • Identifying AS9100 clauses for operation processes

  • Exercise: Mapping AS9100 clauses to Turtle diagram 'limbs'

What is QMS performance and quality objectives?

  • Introduction to ‘leading’ and ‘lagging’ KPIs

  • Identifying ‘high profile’ quality objectives

  • Exercise: High-profile quality objectives

  • KPIs and ‘active management’ of results with P-D-C-A

What are QMS Risks and Opportunities?

  • Definition risk and opportunity

  • AS9100 requirements and actions relating to risk

  • Methodologies for QMS risk/opportunities management

  • Exercise: AS9100 requirements and actions relating to risk

  • Aerospace Quality Management System Risk Analysis

  • Determining ‘effectiveness’ of operation processes

  • Understanding PEARs

  • Exercise: Scoring process effectiveness – using a 'PEAR'

What are QMS ‘problems’ (aka ‘nonconformities’)?

  • Sources of QMS ‘problems’

  • Dealing with quality-related problems (nonconformities)

  • Exercise: Dealing with quality-related problems (sequence)

What is management review?

  • Requirements and scheduling of management reviews

  • Management review inputs

  • Exercise: Management reviews – Inputs

  • Management review outputs

  • Exercise: Management reviews – Outputs

What is continual Improvement?

  • Understanding continual improvement

  • Facilitating continual improvement

  • Exercise: Continual improvement process

What is QMS conformity & the internal audit?

  • Understanding QMS conformity

  • AS9100 “evaluation guidance material” & internal audits

  • Quiz: QMS conformity & the internal audit

  • Understanding the internal audit

  • Planning of an internal audit program

  • Understanding the internal audit process

  • Quiz: Internal audits

What is QMS certification?

  •  Understanding accreditation and certification and the role of the IAQG

  • Understanding the certification cycle

  • Overview of ‘OCAP’ and ‘PBS/RP’

  • Organization Certification Analysis Process – concepts

  • Certification confirmation and potential loss

  • Understanding the IAQG and the ‘OASIS database’

  • Understanding the Supply Chain Management Handbook

  • Understanding the IAQG Dictionary

  • Quiz: QMS certification

What are the benefits of an effective QMS?

  • Purpose and benefits of an effective QMS

  • Quiz: Benefits of an effective QMS


  • Congratulations

  • Training Certificate – post on your social media

  • Feedback & Score

Qualifications & benefits

Individuals who successfully complete the course will –

  • be better equipped to understand the meaning and purpose of the AS9100 standard requirements related to management techniques, best-practice methodologies and processes

  • be confident in knowing best-practice implementation strategies in the design of a quality management system (QMS)

  • understand the ‘climate change’ requirements plus  ‘OCAP’ and ‘PBS/RP’

  • identify conformity (audit) questions to test conformity of QMS processes

  • identify risks and opportunities within the QMS

  • identify weaknesses in QMS performance (e.g. quality and delivery), process-level effectiveness and management commitment

  • be able to accrue (8) IRCA CPD points because of the highly structured nature of this course

Organizations will –

  • be confident that their personnel understand the AS9100 requirements and how they apply to their own QMS processes

  • understand the importance of monitoring QMS performance and process effectiveness

  • be able to identify key audit questions and know that the outcomes of their audits will meet the expectations of aerospace/defence industry customers and Certification Bodies

All participants who complete this e-Learning course can immediately download their training certificate (pdf) containing the internationally-recognized TEC Transnational logo – confirming their understanding and interpretation of the AS9100 requirements.

Benefits of e-Learning –

For a comparison between Face-to-Face courses and their e-Learning equivalents, read our MD’s article “Benefits of e-Learning for Learners and Companies“.

Buy now

Buy AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via the TEC Transnational Ltd learning platform - personalised for learners. Set the number of learners and provide their email addresses at the checkout.

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (Arabic)

Course language: AE - Arabic

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (Chinese (Simplified))

Course language: CN - Chinese (Simplified)

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (Deutsch)

Course language: DE - Deutsch

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (English)

Course language: EN - English

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (Español)

Course language: ES - Español

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (Français)

Course language: FR - Français

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (italiano)

Course language: IT - italiano

AS9100 (ASD) Foundation Course - eLearning (Japanese)

Course language: JA - Japanese

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