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IAQG (9104-3) Aerospace Industry specific training

The IAQG-sanctioned 9100:2016 AATT (Aerospace Auditor Transition Training) has been mandated by the IAQG to satisfy the Foundation Course training requirement for 9100:2016 AQMS auditor authentication for AEAs and AAs.

In addition, the IAQG publish the minimum body of knowledge for AQMS auditors who participate in AQMS certification audits in the form of four Training Course Specification Sheets (TCSS). These are known as the Aerospace auditor competency training courses.

TEC are an IAQG TP

TEC are a UK-based IAQG TP (Training Provider) approved by the UK TPAB to deliver the IAQG-sanctioned AATT course, TCSS courses and associated examinations.

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