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Safety Management System (SMS) – Practitioner Course - Face to Face

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Course overview

A Safety Management System (SMS) is an organized approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies, objectives and procedures.

The requirement for a SMS has now been embodied into Part 21 regulations for organizations responsible for the type design (Sub J) and/or production (Sub G) of aeronautical parts and articles

Product safety is determined by, and reflected in, the safety practices and behaviours in the workplace, as well as in the output of the product.

It is anticipated that IA9100 will mandate processes for a SMS

Organizations need to consider operator, process, and product safety to understand how safety practices and culture can affect the safety outcomes of the organization.

This 2-day practitioner course and workshops explains from scratch how to design and deploy an effective SMS

Course details

Definitions and preamble

  • Defining aviation safety terms & definitions

  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

  • ICAO Annex 19 and SARPs

  • Fundamental safety principles and ICAO ‘SMS framework’

  • Applicability to design, production & maintenance

  • Exercise: Explaining safety-related terms

 The ICAO ‘SMS framework’

  • The four components

  • 4 Components and 12 Elements of a SMS

  • 1. Safety policy

  • 2. Safety Risk Management

  • 3. Safety assurance

  • Interfaces between 2. SRM and 3. SA

  • 4. Safety promotion

  • Quiz: Explaining the four functional components

  • Safety culture

  • Just Culture ~ Ethical Behaviour

 AS9100 safety-related terminology & requirements

  • Safety & Product safety

  • Terms and definitions (AS9100)

  • Requirements (AS9100)

  • Relationship between the SMS and the QMS

  • Exercise: Explaining safety and product safety

Regulatory safety-related terminology & requirements

  • Aeronautical (type certificated) ‘products’

  • Definitions of aeronautical ‘products’

  • Aeronautical articles (parts and appliances)

  • Definitions of aeronautical articles ‘parts’ and ‘appliances’

  • Aeronautical ‘critical parts/components’

  • EASA – Design organization (SMS-related requirements)

  • EASA – Production organization (SMS-related requirements)

  • EASA – MRO organization (SMS-related requirements)

  • Exercise: Explaining regulatory SMS-related requirements

Safety policy

  • Safety policy purpose and commitments

  • Guidance for safety policy

  • Specimen safety policy (#1) – complex organization

  • Specimen safety policy (#2) – non- complex organization

  • Exercise: Acceptability of a safety policy

 Safety objectives and goals

  • Requirements for safety objectives

  • Example of annual safety objectives

  • Guidance on safety objectives

  • Examples of quantified safety objectives

  • Exercise: Suggestions for realistic safety objectives

 SMS documentation and the Safety Management Manual (SMM)

  • Focus of the SMS

  • SMS scope, personnel and documentation

  • Appointment of key safety personnel

  • Safety Manager’s role in SMS

  • Safety team, committee, action groups

  • Guidance materials (UK-CAA, ICAO, SM ICG)

  • SM-0001 – Guidance for ICAO Annex 19 framework

  • Safety Management Manual

  • SMS Manual contents (complex organization)

  • SMS Manual contents (non-complex organization)

  • Key questions regarding SMS documentation

  • UK CAA SMS guidance and gap analysis tools

  • Exercise: Assessment of SMS documentation

Hazard identification and risk analysis

  • Hazards/Events and Risks

  • Hazard/Event identification tools

  • The bow-tie diagram

  • Quick quiz: Hazards, Events and Bow-tie diagram

  • Exercise: Identification of safety hazards

  • Hazard log development and management

Safety risk management and mitigation

  • Hazard/Event risk identification

  • Hazard/Event taxonomy

  • Hazard/Event risk assessment

  • Risk analysis and quantification

  • Organizational risk assessment criteria industry example

  • Risk mitigation process

  • Exercise: Safety risk management, mitigation, management and mitigation

Safety assurance, performance, data & records, meetings and auditing

  • Safety assurance

  • Safety performance monitoring, measurement and review

  • Safety performance data

  • SMS records

  • Safety meeting terms-of-reference and cadence

  • Safety auditing and cultural surveys

Management of Change and Continuous Improvement of the SMS

  • The management of change

  • Continuous improvement of the SMS

  • Exercise: Management of change and continuous improvement of the SMS

Safety promotion, training, communication and awareness

  • Understanding safety promotion

  • The role of training, education and communication

  • Safety training and education

  • Safety communication

  • Role of ‘communication’ and ‘awareness’

  • Quick quiz: Safety promotion, training, communication and awareness

Emergency response planning

  • Emergency response plan

  • Emergency response planning process

  • Exercise: Safety promotion and Emergency response planning

Benefits of an effective Safety Management System

  • Air crash deaths – minuscule but don’t get complacent!

  • Benefits for organizations

  • Benefits for all stakeholders

  • Exercise: Benefits for organizations and stakeholders

Extended question and answer session

  • Receive your Training Certificate

Who should attend

Accountable Managers, Safety Managers and Supervisors/Team Leaders who need to create, deploy, maintain and audit an effective Safety Management System (SMS)

Deliverables & benefits

Create and maintain an effective Safety Management System (SMS) to meet in full the new regulatory requirements for organizations holding Part 21 Sub J (Design) and Part 21 Sub G (Production) approvals.

Meet the anticipated IA9100 series requirements for a Safety Management System (SMS).

Upcoming courses

Safety Management System (SMS) – Practitioner Course

Face to Face
26 Nov - 27 Nov 24


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