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Remote Auditing - eLearning

This course is available in:
Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Deutsch, English, Español, Français, italiano, Japanese See options

Course overview

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This e-Learning course is for individuals who need to conduct effective remote audits (aka virtual audits) of quality management systems (QMS).

Remote audits are applicable to –

  • an organization’s own QMS

  • a ‘sister’ company’s QMS

  • a supplier’s QMS

TEC have packaged everything needed into this practical e-Learning course to ensure that participants will feel confident to plan, prepare, perform and report the results of remote audits based on AS9100, IATF 16949, IRIS or ISO 9001 using a ‘process-based approach’ – in the same way as the Certification Bodies.

checklists and templates included

Particular attention is given to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to optimize effectiveness and efficiency, and Confidentiality, Security and Data Protection (CSDP) considerations involving legislation and regulations which may require additional agreements from both sides.

A combination of quizzes, tests and personal assignments are used to ensure understanding of the principles and practices associated with remote audits.

a downloadable (pdf) Delegate Workbook is included

Other sources of information/guidance provided by the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) are referenced.

Course details


  • Application of remote auditing

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Confidentiality, Security & Data Protection (CSDP)

  • Remote auditing guidance: IAF (International Accreditation Forum) and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

  • Download (pdf) your Delegate Workbook

Overview of remote auditing

  • The remote audit method

  • Benefits of remote auditing

  • Test: overview of remote auditing

Standards and documents relating to remote auditing

  • IAF documents and ISO standards

  • Personal assignment: review of standards/documents relating to remote auditing

  • Optional purchase of ISO 19011

Use of the standards and documents

  • ISO 19011 – Guidelines for auditing management systems

  • IAF – ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group - Guidance on: REMOTE AUDITS

  • Quiz: terms, standards and documents

The role of ICT in remote auditing

  • ICT facilitates remote audits

  • Use of ICT during remote audits

  • Quiz: the role of ICT in remote auditing

Feasibility of a remote audit

  • People considerations

  • Bandwidth considerations

  • Quiz: feasibility of a remote audit

CSDP and Risk considerations

  • Confidentiality, Security and Data Protection

  • Risk management

  • Quiz: CSDP and Risk management

Remote audit purpose, objectives, scope and criteria

  • Definitions of audit purpose, objectives, scope and criteria

  • Remote audit activities and 'targets'

  • Test: remote audit purpose, objectives, scope and criteria

The remote audit process and steps

  • Core aspects of an audit

  • The 8 steps of remote auditing process

Step 1: Live/telecom or ICT

  • Send questionnaire

  • Personal assignment: customize the Pre-audit Questionnaire

  • Confirm site ICT ability

  • Review questionnaire

  • Agree remote audit scope

Step 2: Off-line

  • Identify QMS processes

  • Test: identify standard requirements for QMS processes

  • Create audit questions

  • Determine audit duration

  • Devise practical audit plan

Step 3: Live/ICT

  • Live check of ICT

  • Confirm CSDP measures

  • Agree audit plan/date(s)

  • Identify key personnel

  • Quiz: checklist of pre-Opening Meeting issues

Step:4 Live/ICT

  • Opening meeting

  • Personal assignment: opening meeting agenda

  • Undertake remote audit

  • Quiz: sample size determination

  • Exercise: turning closed questions into open questions

  • Quiz: collecting and recording objective evidence

  • ‘Wash-up’ meeting

  • Containment actions

Step 5: Off-line

  • Create NCRs

  • Test: understanding & locating elements of an NCR

  • Draft Audit Report

  • Confirm day/time for Closing Meeting

Step 6: Live/ICT

  • Closing Meeting

  • Personal assignment: closing meeting agenda

  • Present the NCRs

  • Request corrective actions

  • Agree ‘follow-up’ actions

Step 7: Off-line

  • Verify corrective actions

  • Test: verifying corrective actions

  • Resolve any issues

  • Finalize/send Audit Report

  • Confirm closure of audit

Step:8 Live/ICT

  • NCRs not closed out

  • Agree a way forward!


  • On completion – immediately download your Training Certificate

  • Celebrate your success on social media (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

Qualifications & benefits

The objective is to qualify practitioners who will be able to undertake effective remote audits using a variety of ICT software.

on completion immediately download your Training Certificate

The auditor’s objective remains unchanged – to obtain and evaluate objective evidence to determine the extent to which the audit criteria has been fulfilled.

Understand how to adopt the same basic auditing techniques to remote audits, including being –

  • objective

  • open minded

  • diplomatic

  • listening

  • respectful to the auditee

Learn how to view documents, records and workplace locations ‘live’ using video conferencing.

Learn how to request documented information and photographs to be e-mailed prior to the remote audit.

Buy now

Buy Remote Auditing - eLearning

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via the TEC Transnational Ltd learning platform - personalised for learners. Set the number of learners and provide their email addresses at the checkout.

Remote Auditing - eLearning (Arabic)

Course language: AE - Arabic

Remote Auditing - eLearning (Chinese (Simplified))

Course language: CN - Chinese (Simplified)

Remote Auditing - eLearning (Deutsch)

Course language: DE - Deutsch

Remote Auditing - eLearning (English)

Course language: EN - English

Remote Auditing - eLearning (Español)

Course language: ES - Español

Remote Auditing - eLearning (Français)

Course language: FR - Français

Remote Auditing - eLearning (italiano)

Course language: IT - italiano

Remote Auditing - eLearning (Japanese)

Course language: JA - Japanese

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