Course overview
The purpose of this Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training Course is to –
describe in detail the DMAIC project methodology and ‘tollgates’
explain a battery of essential lean tools and techniques to enhance quality, improve efficiency, and drive productivity
demonstrate, using practical examples, visual tools, problem solving techniques, and statistical analysis
During this 2-day course, it will be explained how adopting six sigma boosts not only the organization’s growth but gives the advancement to an individual’s career.
the roles that Yellow Belts can play within Six Sigma projects is clarified
With a central focus on the DMAIC ‘breakthrough’ project management methodology, the course includes topics such as the lean enterprise toolkit, stakeholder management, creative-thinking tools, process approach (SIPOC), and value stream mapping (VSM) analysis.
Course details
The 2-day syllabus includes the following topics –
The Six Sigma methodology
Basics of Six Sigma
Meanings of ‘Six Sigma’
History of Six Sigma & Continuous Improvement
Deliverables of a Lean Six Sigma Project
Focus of Yellow Belt training
Define Phase – The Basics of Six Sigma
Voice of the Customer, Business and Employee
The Problem Solving Strategy Y = f(x) + ε
Six Sigma philosophy & methodology
Six Sigma Roles & Responsibilities
Define Phase – The Fundamentals of Six Sigma
Defining a Process
Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQ's)
Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
Pareto Analysis (80:20 rule)
Explanations of DPU (defects per unit), DPMO (defects per million opportunities), FPY (first pass yield) and RTY (rolled throughput yield)
Basic Six Sigma Metrics (including DPU, DPMO, FPY, RTY, Cycle Time & Takt Time)
Define Phase – Selecting (Lean) Six Sigma Projects
Nature of Six Sigma projects
Examples: Six Sigma project targets and impacts
Guidelines for ‘winning’ projects
Building a Business Case & Project Charter
Developing Project Metrics
Financial Evaluation & Benefits Capture
Define Phase – The Lean Enterprise
Understanding Lean
The History of Lean
Lean & Six Sigma
The Seven Elements of Waste (Overproduction, Correction, Inventory, Motion, Overprocessing, Conveyance, Waiting)
5S Practice (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize and Sustain/Self-Discipline)
Understanding Six Sigma ‘tollgates’
Define Tollgate
Measure Phase – Process Definition
Cause & Effect (Fishbone) Diagrams
Process Mapping, SIPOC, Value Stream Map
X-Y Diagram
Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Measure Phase – Six Sigma Statistics
Two components of the Measure Phase
Importance of data – and data focus
Different types of measurement and data
Data collection plan
Basic Statistics (Mean, Range, Standard Deviation)
Example: Machining shaft diameters
Descriptive Statistics (Run Chart & Histogram)
Exercise: Analysis of shaft diameters
Normal Distributions & Normality
Graphical Analysis & Anderson-Darling test
Measure Phase – Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
Precision & Accuracy
Bias, Linearity & Stability
Example: initial gauge study (bias and linearity)
Example: Type 1 Gauge Study – gauge variation study
Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility
GR&R Study and interpretation of results
Measure Phase – Process Capability Studies
Capability Analysis (Cp & Cpk)
Concept of Stability – causes of process variation
Steps in attaining statistical control
Deploying SPC (Statistical Process Control)
Monitoring using the 8 industry standard tests
Measure Tollgate
Control Phase – Lean Controls
Control Methods for 5S
Five ‘Ms’ (elements) of standard work
Poka-Yoke (Mistake proofing)
Control Phase – Six Sigma Control Plans
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Elements of the Control Plan (document)
Elements of the Response Plan
Control Tollgate
Extended Q&A session
Who should attend
The Lean Six Sigma course has no formal entry requirements and can be attended by anyone who is interested in business improvement.
no prior knowledge of statistics is required!
The 2-day course has been created for Team Leaders, Continuous Improvement Champions and Quality Professionals who want to become savvy with the values of the Lean Six Sigma.
Deliverables & benefits
On successfully completion of the course, all participants will receive their Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certificate.
They will then be able to work on ‘breakthrough’ projects with qualified Green and Black belts.