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FOD Prevention Program in Manufacturing (AS9146:2022) - eLearning

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Course overview

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The e-Learning FOD Prevention Program in Manufacturing (AS9146:2022) – Master Class – offers comprehensive coverage of all matters relating to Foreign Object Debris and the potential for Foreign Object Damage specifically in the manufacturing operations.

During this e-Learning course students will gain a full understanding of the AS9146:2017 (plus AS9100 and AS13100) FOD-related requirements and learn about practical implementation strategies taken from industry sources to mitigate FOD risk using the most cost-effective solutions.

The course covers in detail everything that is needed to develop, document and implement AS9146 and AS13100 conforming processes.

Please ensure that you have your own copies of AS9146:2022 and AS9100:2016 (also AS13100:2021 if appropriate) to hand as you will need to refer to them to complete the various personal assignments, tests and quizzes.

a downloadable (pdf) Delegate Workbook is included

Course details

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via TEC's learning management system (LMS) platform.

This e-Learning course provides guidance and insights to be used within organizations to ensure the deployment and maintenance of an effective FOD prevention programme. To this end many exercises, workshops and quizzes are included which must be repeated with cross-functional teams to customize approaches to suit an organization’s technologies, processes and products.

Understanding FOD-related terminology

  • Foreign Object (FO)

  • Relationships between FOd and FOD consequences

  • Quiz: matching scenarios with terminology

  • Personal assignment: Possible Foreign Objects (FOs)

Appreciating the true cost of FOD

  • Damage to products and aircraft

  • The need for a FOD prevention program

  • Quiz: elements of an effective FOD prevention program

  • Personal assignment: presenting the facts and explaining the purpose/benefits

Standards & guidance on FOD prevention

  • The AS9146:2022 standard (AS9100 & AS13100 requirements)

  • AS9146:2022 requirements

  • Essential documents: AS9146:2022 and AS9100 (AS13100)

  • The IAQG’s Supply Chain Management Handbook

  • Detailed explanation of the AS9146:2022 requirements with practical implementation strategies

  • Test: standard requirements and guidance materials & tools

  • Understand the essential role of (FOD) policy

  • Personal assignment: Developing your own FOD Policy

Programme management {4.1}

  • Role of top management {4.1.1}

  • FOD prevention program management representative {4.1.2}

  • Personal assignment: Nominating a FOD prevention programme management representative

  • FOD prevention program {4.1.3}

  • Detection/recording of FOD programme and FO/FOd product nonconformities {4.1.4}

  • Quiz: matching 'control of nonconforming outputs' requirements to clauses

  • FOD-related nonconformity and corrective action

  • Quiz: matching 'nonconformity & corrective action' requirements to clauses

  • Reporting/management review of FOD prevention programme & FO/FOd product nonconformities {4.1.5}

  • Quiz: 'incidents' requiring corrective action

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the FOD prevention program {4.1.6}

  • Quiz: properties of KPIs

  • Communicating the results/effectiveness of the FOD prevention program {4.1.7}

  • Personal assessment: FOD program communication, review and actions

  • FOD risk assessment and requirement for the supply chain {4.1.8}

  • Personal assignment: Supply chain FOD-related issues

Operations {4.2}

  • Defining AS9146:2022 operations

  • a. product design considerations for the prevention, inspection/detection, and removal of FOs

  • Personal assignment: product design considerations for the prevention, inspection, detection and removal of FOs

  • b. selection, application, and control of protective devices/measures for products, processes, and personnel

  • Personal assignment: Selection, application and control of protective devices/measures for products, processes, and personnel

  • c. plan and sequence operations to reduce FO/FOd/FOD risk to product

  • Visual aids for planning/sequencing operations

  • Personal assignment: Methods for analysing the sequencing of operations

  • d. identification of product characteristics

  • Personal assignment: Identifying product characteristics

  • e. capabilities for cleaning and FO/FOd inspection/detection

  • Personal assignment: Capabilities for cleaning and FO/FOd inspection/detection

  • f. inspection/detection methods at appropriate steps or intervals to prevent contamination, damage, and deterioration

  • Personal assignment: FO/FOd inspection/detection methods

Area Designation {4.3}

  • Area designation based on risk assessment

  • Area marking

  • Area signage

  • Area designation related controls

  • Personal assignment: Identifying FOD designated areas

Training and personnel access {4.4}

  • Training programme & recipients

  • Training methods & syllabi

  • Personal assignment: FOD prevention training topics

  • Competence, training effectiveness & records

  • Understanding authority, responsibility and accountability

  • Personal assignment: Consumables, hardware, and personal items accountability and control: authority, responsibility & accountability and records

Product protection {4.5}

  • Product protection controls

  • Eliminating FOd and ‘potential’ FOD

  • Personal assignment: Product protection

Housekeeping and clean-as-you-go {4.6}

  • Importance of housekeeping

  • The housekeeping process

  • Personal assignment: Housekeeping and clean-as-you-go

  • Consumables, hardware, and personal items accountability and control {4.7}

  • Personal assignment: Consumables, hardware, and personal items accountability and control

Tool accountability and control {4.8}

  • Purpose and requirements

  • Basic accountability & control

  • Personal assignment: Questions relating to tool accountability and control

  • Maintaining the area and items

  • Personal assignment: How good is your organization?

Each section of this e-learning course incorporates Quizzes and Tests to ensure student understanding. Automated tutor advisement is also provided as necessary.

On successful completion of the entire course and its exercises, delegates will receive an individual certificate of completion sent direct to their email address within 48hrs.

Full details and a course syllabus are available upon request.

Qualifications & benefits

The benefits of e-learning are numerous; not only are they extremely cost-effective but they provide students with convenience and flexibility as they embark on their learning journey. You can complete your training whenever and wherever you want, and at your own pace.

Companies do not have to tie-up entire teams at the same time as is the case with conventional classroom-based training.

Buy now

Buy FOD Prevention Program in Manufacturing (AS9146:2022) - eLearning

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via the TEC Transnational Ltd learning platform - personalised for learners. Set the number of learners and provide their email addresses at the checkout.

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (Arabic)

Course language: AE - Arabic

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (Chinese (Simplified))

Course language: CN - Chinese (Simplified)

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (Deutsch)

Course language: DE - Deutsch

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (English)

Course language: EN - English

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (Español)

Course language: ES - Español

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (Français)

Course language: FR - Français

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (italiano)

Course language: IT - italiano

AS9146 - FOD Prevention Programme in Manufacturing - eLearning (Japanese)

Course language: JA - Japanese

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