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APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning

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Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Deutsch, English, Español, Français, italiano, Japanese, Korean See options

Course overview

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An emerging customer requirement is for their suppliers to implement APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) and PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) in full conformity with –

Aerospace: the AS9145 standard (and the AS13100 supplementary requirements)

Automotive: the IATF 16949 standard and AIAG's manual "Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Control Plan"

Implementation of APQP and PPAP requires an in-depth knowledge of the essential processes and competency in the use of quality tools such DFMEAs, PFMEAs, MSA (Measurement Systems Analysis), Control Plans, Process Capacity Studies. etc.

TEC's unique e-Learning (on-line training) “Master Class" incorporates Quizzes, Tests, ‘hands-on’ Exercises and Personal assignments to empower participants in both the implementation of the APQP methodology and the use of all of the above ‘quality tools’ including the statistical software package Minitab®.

a downloadable (pdf) Delegate Workbook is included

Knowledge and skills are evaluated at each stage to guarantee successful new product introduction in full conformity with both aerospace and automotive requirements.

The course covers in detail everything that is needed to develop, document and implement AS9145, AS13100 (Chapter B) and IATF 16949 conforming processes for APQP and PPAP

Course details

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via TEC's learning management system (LMS) platform.

Downloadable data is incorporated as MS EXCEL files for ‘off-line’ exercises.

Within this e-Learning course, the following topics are covered:


  • Download (pdf) Delegate Workbook

Understanding APQP & PPAP and AS9145

  • Definition of APQP

  • Definition of PPAP

  • Test: Purpose of APQP and PPAP

Understanding AS9145 and related IAQG standards

  • The AS9145 standard

  • The AS13100 (Chapter B) supplementary requirements

  • Related IAQG standards

  • Understanding customer demands for AS9145 conformity

  • Personal assignment

APQP & PPAP applicability and application

  • APQP & PPAP applicability

  • APQP & PPAP (AS9145) application

  • Quiz: APQP, its application & AS9145 requirements

APQP primary objective and essential risk-based thinking

  • Understanding the primary APQP objective

  • Risk-based thinking process stages

  • Test: Risk-based thinking

Systematic risk management (FMEA)

  • Introduction to FMEA

  • Overview of FMEA methodology

  • Example of a ‘generic’ FMEA worksheet

  • Quiz: FMEA purpose and ‘deliverables’

  • FMEA terminology explained

  • Test: FMEA terminology

  • Evaluating and scoring the ‘elements’ of failure modes

  • Test: The scoring ‘elements’ of failure modes

  • FMEA evaluation criteria

  • Quiz: Sources of FMEA scoring criteria

  • Risk Priority Number (RPN)

  • Exercise: Calculating RPM

  • Reducing risks to an acceptable level

  • Reasons for risk management and mitigation

  • Personal assignment

Understanding AS9100 & AS9145 purpose and applicability

  • AS9100 standardizes QMS requirements

  • Basic AS9100 requirements

  • AS9145 standardizes APQP and PPAP requirements

  • Test: AS9100 and AS9145 requirements for APQP

  • APQP requirements for ‘flow-down’, exclusions & conformity

  • Quiz: Customer demands for AS9145 conformity

  • Understanding essential APQP ‘success factors’

  • Quiz: Essential APQP ‘success factors’

Product Development Process & Product Breakdown Structure

  • Product Development Process (PDP)

  • Product Breakdown Structure (PBS)

  • Exercise: Defining your organization’s PBS level, products, APQP plan and activity scope

  • APQP ‘cascade’ through PBS & PDP

AS9145 – structured APQP requirements

  • AS9145 and the APQP phases

  • APQP phase constituents

  • Test: AS9145 – structured APQP requirements

  • Applicability of APQP phases

  • Personal assignment

Overview of the APQP phases and their goals

  • Phase 1 – Planning

  • Phase 2 – Product design, development and design validation

  • Phase 3 – Process design and development

  • Phase 4 – Product and process validation

  • Phase 5 – On-going production, use and post-delivery service

  • Quiz: The APQP phases and their goals

Phase 1 – Planning

  • Product design requirements

  • Producer product specification

  • Project targets

  • Quiz: Product design/specification/target requirements

  • Understanding characteristics

  • Quiz: Types of characteristics

  • Preliminary Bill of Material (BOM)

  • Preliminary process flow diagram (PFD)

  • Test: Preliminary BOM and PFD

  • Statement of Work (SOW) review

  • Preliminary sourcing plan

  • Quiz: Statement of Work and Preliminary sourcing plan

  • Project plan

  • Personal assignment

Phase 2 – Product design and development

  • Turning product specifications into robust product definition

  • DFMRO (Design for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul)

  • DFMA (Design for Manufacturing & Assembly)

  • Aligning AS9100 controls with AS9145 reviews

  • Quiz: Understanding design considerations and reviews

  • Design risk analysis*

  • DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)

  • Test: Sequence of the DFMEA steps

  • Design records (design outputs) and BOM*

  • Special requirements, including product KCs and CIs listings

  • Quiz: Design records (outputs)

  • Preliminary risk analysis of sourcing plan

  • Quiz: Risk analysis of Sourcing plan

  • Packaging specification

  • Development product build plan

  • Design verification and validation plans, and associated results

  • Feasibility assessment

  • Personal assignment

Phase 3 – Process design and development

  • Translating product design into the production processes

  • Review product information – design output

  • Quiz: Product design information

  • Process flow diagram*

  • Floor plan layout

  • Production preparation plan

  • PFMEA* (Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis)

  • Test: Sequence of the PFMEA steps

  • Product/Process Key Characteristics (KCs)

  • Control plan*

  • Test: Control plan

  • Using ‘families of parts’

  • Preliminary capacity assessment

  • Work station documentation

  • Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) Plan

  • Quiz: Understanding measurement systems errors

  • Determining gauge Accuracy

  • Case study: Studying gauge linearity and bias

  • Exercise: Measuring gauge linearity and bias

  • Studying gauge stability

  • Case study: Studying gauge stability

  • Exercise: Studying gauge stability

  • Supply Chain Risk Management Plan

  • Material handling, packaging, labelling, and part marking approvals*

  • Production Readiness Review (PRR) results

  • Personal assignment: PRR results

Phase 4 – Product and process validation

  • Product from production process run(s)

  • Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)*

  • Type 1 Gauge Study

  • Case Study: testing gauge for consistency

  • Exercise: Testing gauge for consistency

  • Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility (GR&R) study

  • Case Study: Gauge R & R study

  • Exercise: Full R & R study

  • Initial process capability studies*

  • Exercise: Normality check, Mean and Standard deviation

  • Process Capability

  • Exercise: Process capability

  • Benefits of centring a process

  • Case study: Centring the process

  • Exercise: Centring the process

  • Control plan*

  • Capacity verification

  • Quiz – Capacity verification

  • Product validation results

  • Product and process validation

  • Quiz: Process capability for KCs

  • First Article Inspection Report (FAIR)*

  • Quiz: FAI applicability?

  • PPAP file and approval form*

  • Quiz: PPAP required elements

  • PPAP File

  • Customer specific requirements*

  • Personal assignment: PPAP requirements

  • Understanding the PPAP submission procedure

Phase 5 – On-going production, use and post-delivery service

  • Phase 5 activities

  • Monitor product and process performance (KPIs)

  • Examples of APQP & quality performance measures

  • Continuous improvement actions

  • Case study: Improving process capability

  • Exercise: Improving process capability

  • Lessons learned

Promoting the benefits of APQP & PPAP

  • Identifying the potential benefits

  • Dealing with the ‘dissenters’

  • Personal assignment: creating an APQP & PPAP Management Orientation Session

Auditing considerations

  • The need for ongoing auditing

  • APQP Auditing

  • Layered Process Audits (LPA)

  • Further development of your knowledge & skills

Qualifications & benefits

The benefits of e-learning are numerous; not only are they extremely cost-effective but they provide participants with convenience and flexibility as they embark on their learning journey.

You can complete your training whenever and wherever you want, and at your own pace. You can return to modules time-and-again and even have an anonymous ‘trial run’.

Companies do not have to tie-up entire teams at the same time as is the case with conventional classroom-based training.

The e-Learning course covers in detail everything that is needed to develop and implement effective processes to successfully deploy APQP & PPAP processes and facilitate the use of the associated quality tools.

contains downloadable (pdf) Delegate Workbook

Buy now

Buy APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via the TEC Transnational Ltd learning platform - personalised for learners. Set the number of learners and provide their email addresses at the checkout.

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (Arabic)

Course language: AE - Arabic

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (Chinese (Simplified))

Course language: CN - Chinese (Simplified)

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (Deutsch)

Course language: DE - Deutsch

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (English)

Course language: EN - English

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (Español)

Course language: ES - Español

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (Français)

Course language: FR - Français

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (italiano)

Course language: IT - italiano

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (Japanese)

Course language: JA - Japanese

APQP & PPAP Master Class (AS9145) - eLearning (Korean)

Course language: KO - Korean

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