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AS9100 (ASD) Internal Auditor Training Course (PROBITAS Authentication certified) - Face to Face

Our face-to-face training can be provided at our training venue or in-company at your site.
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Course overview

If you need to conduct effective internal audits against your own QMS plus AS9100 series of standards, customer-specific and regulatory requirements – then this is the course for you!

This is a PROBITAS Authentication certified course

TEC have packaged everything needed into a 2-day practical course to ensure that participants will have the knowledge and skills to plan, prepare, perform and report the results of internal audits based on AS9100, AS9110 and AS9120 using a ‘process-based approach’ – in the same way as the Certification Bodies.

TEC's course is unique because we also train and examine the Certification Body auditors (AATT 2016 course). Consequently you will be learning how to audit using the AS9101:2022 requirements as well as the ISO 19011:2018 guidance - in the same way as CB Auditors.

Our course addresses all of the stringent requirements of the AS9100:2016 series of standards. Specific reference is made to AS9100:2016 clauses 9.2 Internal audit and 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action plus the 'root cause codes' now being used by the CBs. In addition, you will learn how to assess the ‘active’ management of customer satisfaction, QMS Q & D performance and process-level effectiveness (PEARs) – and how to audit your organization's Leadership! Auditing for the ISO amendment relating to climate change is included.

Note: This AS9100 Internal Auditor course is aimed at candidates who already have a basic knowledge & understanding of the AS9100 requirements and the influence of quality on a business management system. For individuals who do not yet have this knowledge, then we strongly recommend that they attend an AS9100 awareness or foundation training  prior to attending the auditor course. Please follow this link to view TEC's 1-Day AS9100 Foundation Training.

This AS9100 (ASD) Internal Auditor Training Course is applicable to AS9100, AS9110 and AS9120 standards

Assessment of learning is achieved through structured exercises, real-world audit scenarios and an aerospace Case Study. Students undertake 'face-to-face' individual audit exercises with the tutor(s) in addition to team assignments. The tutors provide feedback and advisement to ensure that best-practice is fully understood in the context of the aerospace/defence industry.

continual assessment replaces the need for a written exam!

The course timings are –

  • Day 1: 08:00 – 17:00

  • Day 2: 08:30 – 17:00

This training course is available as both an on-site event conducted at your premises, and as a public event hosted at our training venue, The Woodland Grange Conference Centre, Leamington Spa, UK.

Course details

Throughout the e-Learning course you will need to make reference to your personal copy of the relevant standard (i.e. AS9100, AS9110 or AS9120). No other standards/guidance documents are required.

Within this course, the following sections are covered:

Registration, welcome and IAQG overview

  • Prior knowledge of the AS90100 series of standards

  • IAQG and the ‘OASIS database’

  • Supply Chain Management Handbook

  • IAQG Dictionary

  • IAQG Resolutions Log

Auditing-related terms, definitions and methodologies

  • What is an internal audit?

  • Explanation of audit-related terms

  • Test: explanation of audit-related terms

  • Understanding interested parties and their requirements

  • Guidelines and Standards relating to auditing

Relationship between elements of the QMS

  • Understanding QMS processes

  • Test: identifying types of QMS process

  • Examples of QMS process types

  • Visualizing QMS processes – sequence and interaction

  • Test: evaluating an organization’s description of its QMS processes and their sequence and interaction

QMS business benefits

  • Understanding the organization and its context

  • Exercise: Organization purpose, strategic direction & scope

  • Audit questions focused on purpose, strategic direction and scope

  • Climate action changes

  • Examples of climate-related audit questions

  • Benefits of a formal QMS

  • Exercise: identifying the benefits of a formal QMS

QMS documentation

  • AS9100 series QMS documentation requirements

  • Policy ~ Processes ~ Procedures

  • Identifying AS9100 series need for documented information

  • Test: identifying AS9100 series need for documented information

  • Determination of the processes needed for the QMS

  • Test: defining policy, processes & procedures

Auditing using a 'process-based' approach

  • Deriving process-based audit questions from applicable audit criteria

  • Test: deriving audit questions from audit criteria

  • Turtle diagram – visualization tool for process-based QMS internal auditing

  • Test: identifying the ‘elements’ of a Turtle diagram

  • Deriving process-based audit questions from Turtle diagram ‘limbs’

  • Test: mapping audit questions to Turtle diagram 'limbs'

Content and structure of AS9100 series referring to the P-D-C-A cycle

  • AS9100 series content: clauses and requirements

  • AS9100 series structure: referring to the P-D-C-A cycle

  • Test: Locating requirements for OPERATION, SUPPORT and ANCILLARY processes

Understanding and auditing the ‘effectiveness’ of a QMS

  • Auditing QMS ‘effectiveness’

  • Requirements for QMS ‘performance’

  • Test: locating specific requirements for monitoring

  • Auditing process effectiveness – using the ‘PEM’

  • Evaluating and scoring process effectiveness – using the ‘PEAM’

  • Test: scoring process effectiveness – the ‘PEAR’

Auditing conformity of a QMS

  • Understanding ‘conformity’ with QMS requirements

  • Test: locating AS9100 series requirements for auditing purposes

  • Requirements for OPERATION processes

  • Test: locating AS9100 series clauses applicable to OPERATION processes

  • Test: auditing MRB actions with customer-supplied nonconforming product

  • Requirements for SUPPORT processes

  • Test: locating AS9100 series applicable to SUPPORT processes

  • Requirements for ANCILLARY processes

  • Test: locating AS9100 series applicable to ANCILLARY processes

Auditing performance (P-D-C-A)

  • Quality objectives define QMS ‘performance’

  • Test: understanding quality objectives

  • Auditing quality objectives and the P-D-C-A cycle

  • Test: auditing customer satisfaction

  • Test: auditing supplier performance

Auditing risk-based thinking

  • Understanding/auditing risk-based thinking

  • Auditing risk-based thinking – “things to consider” ~ AS9100 series clauses

  • Exercise: auditing risk-based thinking – “things to consider” ~ AS9100 series clauses

  • Identifying and auditing risk sources and related methodologies

  • Test: operation process risks and things to look for

Audit planning

  • Audit planning considerations

  • Identifying ‘audit trails’

  • Test: establishing an internal audit plan

  • Different audit methods

  • Test: identifying different audit methods

  • Auditing the planning of an internal audit program

  • Guidance for estimating adequate time to conduct a full internal audit program

  • Test: estimating the time to conduct a full QMS internal audit

  • Justifying an audit program

  • Test: auditing the internal audit program

  • Planning and conducting a remote audit

Creating an audit work document

  • Creating an audit work document – format and contents

  • Personal assignment: creating an audit work document

  • Creating an audit work document from a Turtle diagram

  • You’re now ready to undertake an internal audit!

Conducting an opening meeting

  • Purpose of an opening meeting

  • Agenda items for an opening meeting

  • Personal assignment: creating an opening meeting agenda

  • Conducting an opening meeting

  • Test: opening meeting dos & don'ts

Performing the internal audit

  • The ‘evidence-based approach’ to auditing

  • Audit sample size determination

  • Test: choosing an appropriate sample focus (operators)

  • Test: choosing an appropriate sample criteria (POs – purchase orders)

  • Test: choosing an appropriate sample size (FAIRs – First Article Inspection Reports)

Managing interviews and recording evidence

  • Format and style of audit questions

  • Test: turning closed questions into open questions

  • Building rapport with the auditee

  • Auditing top management ~ “don’t be intimidated!”

  • Personal assignment: auditing top management and management review*

  • Collecting, evaluating, and recording objective evidence

  • Audit process summary – auditor & auditee activities

  • Test: dealing with auditee disagreements

Evaluating audit evidence and creating effective NCRs

  • Criteria for determining nonconformities

  • Reporting nonconformity using a nonconformity report (NCR)

  • Test: sections of the 'NCR Template'

  • Recording multiple instances of nonconformities on a single NCR

  • Test 1: identifying the applicable clause and formulating an effective NCR

  • Test 2: identifying the applicable clause and formulating a effective NCR

  • What if there’s insufficient evidence to determine – conformity? or nonconformity?

  • Grading NCRs

  • Test: grading NCRs (minor/MAJOR)

The ‘mock’ audit’ (Case Study material)

  • Mock audit of major operation process

  • Preparation for/conducting the mock audit (120-min)

  • Exercise: On-site/Human interaction

  • 30-min per team face-to-face with tutor

  • 10-min to 15-min per student with tutor

  • Concurrent team activities – simulated audit scenarios

Preparing for, and presenting, a closing meeting

  • Reviewing the audit findings and preparing conclusions

  • Conducting closing meeting

  • Personal assignment: creating a closing meeting agenda

Reporting the audit results

  • Audit report purpose and content

  • CB audit report contents

  • Test: Key items in the internal audit report

Conducting audit follow-up

  • Reminder: correction vs. corrective action

  • Responsibility for corrective actions

  • Test: NCR terminology and actions

  • Verifying the effectiveness of corrections and corrective actions

  • Test: verification of actions/corrective actions

Auditor selection, competence, and personal qualities

  • Responsibility for the internal audit program

  • Auditor competence – methodology

  • Auditor competence – sector/discipline

  • Selection of people for internal auditors

  • Quiz: identifying internal ‘auditor qualities’

This face-to-face course incorporates Quizzes, Tests and individual assessments to ensure students’ knowledge and skills are properly evaluated. The majority of the time is given over to these activities.

On successful completion of the course and its quizzes/tests/ individual assessments, students will be presented with their Training Certificate.

Who should attend

Individuals needing to be qualified to conduct internal and/or supplier audits, and those who want to monitor process effectiveness and QMS performance. Competent auditors can also undertake an in-depth ‘gap analysis’ of an organization’s existing QMS.

This is a PROBITAS Authentication certified course

Other individuals who have found this course useful are six sigma practitioners and consultants, team leaders and supervisors in aerospace/defence organizations, who are looking to broaden their awareness of quality issues in order to understand how they can improve overall business effectiveness.

It can also serve an essential bridging course for existing ISO 9001 Lead Auditors.

Deliverables & benefits

Individuals who successfully complete the course will -

  • know how the CBs undertake their audits, and what types of questions they ask

  • be better equipped to maintain compliance with AS9100:2016 series of standards requirements

  • be able to undertake an in-depth 'gap analysis' of an existing AS9100 series QMS

  • be confident in knowing that their audit questions address all important issues

  • identify weaknesses in QMS performance (e.g. quality and delivery), process-level effectiveness and leadership

  • identify risks and opportunities within the QMS

  • be able to accrue (16) CPD points because of the highly structured nature of this course

All students successfully completing the 2-day course will receive an individual training certificate containing the internationally-recognized TEC Transnational and PROBITAS Authentication logos.

The organization will –

  • be confident that their auditors are empowered to undertake effective AS9100 series internal audits

  • know that the outcomes of the audits will meet the expectations of aerospace and defence customers and Certification Bodies

  • be able to use 'root cause codes' now being demanded by the Certification Bodies

  • ensure conformity, maintenance and ongoing improvement of the QMS


AS9100 (ASD) Internal Auditor Training Course (PROBITAS Authentication certified)

Upcoming courses

AS9100 (ASD) Internal Auditor Training Course (PROBITAS Authentication certified)

Face to Face
20 Aug - 21 Aug 24


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