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Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning

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Course overview

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Disciplined problem solving and 8D is a systematic approach which focuses on the causes of problems as opposed to simply addressing their symptoms! The methodology is structured into eight disciplines (8Ds), emphasizing a cross-functional team synergy let by a qualified facilitator and the use of tried-and-tested quality tools and techniques.

By the end of this interactive course and workshop participants will understand the array of ‘disciplined’ problem solving tools (including ‘Human Factors’ and ‘Multiple-path Root Cause’) and be able to facilitate and document value-adding problem-solving exercises using the Eight Disciplines (8D) in conformity with customer-specific requirements.

This course meets in full the training syllabus of AESQ RM13000:2023 (8D Problem Solving Method) and the requirements of ARP9136:2016 (Aerospace Series - Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving [9S Methodology])

Assessment of learning is achieved through Quizzes, Tests and Exercises and a Case Study.

a downloadable (pdf) Delegate Workbook is included

The e-Learning course is intended for Champions/Sponsors, Facilitators and Team Leaders who must respond to customer requests for corrective action using the 8D process and communicate progress using the 8D Problem Solving Form.

course duration is between 16 and 24 hours

Particular emphasis is placed on empowering, as well as qualifying, the individuals who will be facilitating 8D workshops – the 8D Practitioners (aka Facilitators).

Apart from these nominated 8D Practitioners all persons participating in cross-functional problem-solving teams will benefit from attending this course.

Course details

8D standards and guidance

  • RM13000:2023 Problem Solving Methods

  • AS13000:2014 – Problem Solving Requirements for Suppliers

  • ARP9136:2016 – Aerospace Series - Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving (9S Methodology)

  • The course is delivered over two consecutive days with continual assessment and feedback provided by the tutors.

Course structure

Section #1

  • Understanding and describing different types of problems

  • Defining what is wrong with what

  • Finding the causes of problems

  • Proving root causes

  • Creating and deploying corrective action [prevention – detection – avoidance]

Section #2

  • Overview of the 8D method

  • 8D related terminology

  • 8D prioritization calculator

  • Explanation and illustration of the 8D steps [objective, actions and essentials]

  • Extended team exercises

Section #1


  • Disciplined problem-solving participants – facilitator and team members

  • Quiz: Traits of a good facilitator

  • Team exercise: Delivering an ‘ice-breaker’ – but why?

  • Overview of ‘disciplined’ problem solving

  • Problems related to levels of staff!

  • Quiz: 8D related terminology [source: AS13000:2014]

Understanding and describing different types of problems

  • Defining a problem

  • Clarifying and describing problems

  • Data collection – Check sheets & Data Forms

  • Creating an explicit problem statement

  • Exercise: The problem, the effect and the goal

  • Example: Clarifying and describing problems

  • Exercise: Defining ‘good’ product/service (toast & coffee)

  • Customer satisfaction (aka VOC) issues

  • Determining VOC and ‘stratification’

  • Exercise: Stratification analysis (Pizza delivery)

  • Example: Stratification analysis (Pizza delivery)

  • Kano Model – Customer satisfaction analysis tool

  • Exercise: VOC, Stratification and Kano

Defining what is wrong with what

  • Getting started – essential ‘structured questions’

  • Survey: Problem solving tools

  • Defining problems – ‘IS – IS NOT’ questioning

  • ‘IS – IS NOT’ questioning matrix

  • ‘IS – IS NOT’ questions and recorded answers

  • Exercise: the burned toast problem

  • Measles Chart

  • Defect Concentration Diagram

  • Workmanship and Visual Inspection ‘difficulties’

Finding the causes of problems

  • Understanding the causes of problems

  • The three types of causes

  • Exercise: Understanding the three types of causes

  • Domestic example of the “5-WHYS” method

  • Keep the team asking why – the “5-WHYS” method

  • Beware ‘operator error’ answers!

  • IAQG’s human factors (root causes)

  • Details of the IAQG’s human factors (root causes)

  • Exercise: Why did the toast burn?

  • Manufacturing example of 5-WHYs method

  • Exercise: Coolant leaking from a machine tool

  • ISHIKAWA diagram – aka Fishbone diagram

  • The “6Ms” method cause – different perspectives

  • Example: The burned toast problem

  • ISHIKAWA diagram – different ‘perspectives’

  • Exercise: Why did the toast burn?

  • Understanding ‘logic paths’ and Boolean operators

  • Understanding the ‘Swiss cheese’ model

  • Example: The car won’t start!

  • Exercise: multiple ‘logic paths’ of failures

  • Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Boolean operators

  • Example: The car won’t start!

  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

  • Finding root causes from different ‘sources’

  • Finding root causes from different ‘sources’

  • Proving root causes

  • Searching for root causes (possible/plausible/probable)

  • Verifying the root cause – the “therefore test”

  • Exercise: Root cause verification using the “therefore test”

  • Verifying the root cause – “Occam’s Razor”

  • Verifying the root cause – “Sherlock Holmes quotation”

  • Proving root cause – “Sense/Voting” & “IS – IS NOT test”

  • Exercise: Burned toast ~ using ‘IS – IS NOT’ questions

Creating and deploying corrective action

  • Problems ~ Corrective action ~ Goal/Target statement

  • Example: Problem and Goal Statements

  • Fixing the problem – permanently!

  • Determining corrective actions – Brainstorming

  • Determining corrective actions

  • Classify causes and their corrective actions

  • Mistake-proofing strategies

  • Exercise: Determining/classifying corrective actions

  • Tools to assist corrective action determination

  • Six Hats Thinking

  • Impact & Effort Matrix

  • Consider risks and make a choice

  • Exercise: Impact-effort matrix

Section #2

8D Problem Solving

  • Problem solving/documenting using the 8D method

  • Outline of the 8D steps

  • Exercise: Summary of the 8D steps – match the ‘Ds’

  • Exercise: Preforming an 8D triage

  • 8D comparisons with other methodologies

  • 8D prioritization calculator

  • 8D timelines (AS13100-specific)

  • 8D reporting form [AS13000]

  • 8D reporting form [AESQ]

  • 8D steps – objective, actions and essentials & illustration

D0 Implement immediate containment and prepare for 8D

  • D0 – Objective

  • D0 – Actions

  • Illustration

  • D0 – Essentials

  • Illustration

  • Illustration

D1 Form the team

  • D1 – Objective

  • Cross-functional team and Facilitator

  • D1 – Actions

  • Illustration

  • D1 – Essentials

D2 Define the problem

  • D2 – Objective

  • Make use of the actual product or photographs

  • Illustration

  • D2 – Actions

  • D2 – Essentials

D3 Develop containment actions

  • D3 – Objective

  • D3 – Actions

  • Illustration

  • D3 – Essentials

D4 Identify and verify root causes

  • D4 – Objective

  • D4 – Actions

  • Illustration

  • D4 – Essentials

  • Identification of the most probably root cause

  • Illustration – PROCESS root causes

  • Illustration – SYSTEM root causes

D5 Identify corrective action

  • D5 – Objective

  • D5 – Actions

  • Illustration – corrective actions aimed at the PROCESS

  • Illustration – corrective actions aimed at the SYSTEM

  • D5 – Essentials

D6 Implement corrective action

  • D6 – Objective

  • D6 – Actions

  • Illustration – PROCESS deployment and test

  • Illustration – SYSTEM deployment and test

  • D6 – Essentials

D7 Define and plan preventive action

  • D7 – Objective

  • D7 – Actions

  • Illustration

  • D7 – Essentials

D8 Recognize the team

  • D8 – Objective

  • D8 – Actions

  • Illustration

  • D8 – Essentials

Exercise – 8D assessment

  • Undertake an 8D assessment of the Case Study “The Missing Rivets”


  • Immediately download your Training Certificate (pdf)

  • Feel free to re-do and of the Quizzes and Exercises

Qualifications & benefits

Students successfully completing this e-Learning course, and successfully undertaking the quizzes and exercises can immediately download (pdf) their training certificate containing the TEC logo and confirming their 8D Practitioner status.

Students who successfully complete the course will –

  • be confident in knowing that disciplined problem solving abilities meet the requirements for competency mandated by AS13000 (Appendix C)

  • be better equipped to maintain on-going compliance with AS13000 and 'customer-specific' requirements relating to the AESQ Problem Solving Template

  • identify weaknesses in their organization’s QMS documented problem solving process – and be able to address shortcomings

  • be confident in facilitating a cross-functional team to undertake problem solving using the 8D methodology

  • be equipped to train colleagues to be confident participants in 8D problem solving teams

  • be able to accrue IRCA CPD points because of the highly structured nature of this course

Their organization will –

  • be confident that their newly qualified AS13000 8D Practitioner will have appropriate knowledge/skills and can demonstrate competence

  • be able to demonstrate conformity to all elements of AS13000 to customers

  • know that the outcomes of their 8D problem solving activities will be correctly documented in the AESQ Problem Solving Template which will meet the expectations of aeroengine manufacturers

Buy now

Buy Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via the TEC Transnational Ltd learning platform - personalised for learners. Set the number of learners and provide their email addresses at the checkout.

8D Problem Solving Method - eLearning (English)

Course language: EN - English

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (Arabic)

Course language: AE - Arabic

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (Chinese (Simplified))

Course language: CN - Chinese (Simplified)

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (Deutsch)

Course language: DE - Deutsch

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (Español)

Course language: ES - Español

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (Français)

Course language: FR - Français

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (italiano)

Course language: IT - italiano

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (Japanese)

Course language: JA - Japanese

Disciplined Problem Solving and 8D - eLearning (Korean)

Course language: KO - Korean

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