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AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning

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Course overview

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AQAP-2110:2016 and AQAP-2310:2022 contain NATO’s (and the UK MOD's) quality assurance requirements for design, development and production –

  • AQAP-2110:2016 includes the (applicable) requirements of ISO 9001:2015

  • AQAP-2310:2022 includes the (applicable) requirements of AS9100:2016

The first “IA” standard will be “IA9137 Guidance for the Application of AQAP 2110 within a 9100 Quality Management System” – jointly developed by NATO and industry representatives embodying AQAP-2110-SRD.2

These AQAPs mandate that a Quality Management System (QMS) be established, documented, applied, maintained, assessed & improved and evaluated, in accordance with all their additional requirements.

understand how to do business with the UK MOD and other NATO/OTAN member countries

To ensure faultless incorporation and implementation of the AQAP requirements top management must appreciate their role and the particular requirements which relate to them as well as understanding what must be delegated to quality professionals.

e-Learning course specifically designed for management teams and marketing/sales personnel

This highly interactive e-Learning (on-line training) course can be completed in a half-day. It uses a combination of downloaded documents, Videos, Quizzes and Assignments to ensure full understanding of the principles and practices involved.

This course is part of TEC’s comprehensive AQAP training program which includes twelve empowerment courses

The e-Learning course is presented in Sections with each section containing several Modules. The following topics are addressed –

Course details

Course introduction

Download your Delegate Manual

  • Download (pdf) copy of the Delegate Manual

  • Print a copy for reference

  • Review the Sections, Modules and Appendices

Doing business with defence + Defence Sourcing Portal

  • How (UK) defence works

  • Doing business with defence – Opportunities for businesses

  • Selling to government – SME guide

  • MOD Contract Opportunities – potential business!

  • Defence Sourcing Portal – simple registration!

  • Quiz: doing business with defence?

NATO, AQAP, NATO standardization & MoD requirements

  • NATO AQAP (standards) and MoD requirement

  • NATO standardization

  • Quality in your Pocket (Tim Rowntree & Dave Thomas)

  • Quiz: NATO, AQAP, NATO standardization & MoD requirements

GQA, GAI, JSP 940 and the complete acquisition cycle

  • Class question: why understand Government Quality Assurance?

  • The framework in which the MOD have to operate – GQA

  • Quiz: Acronyms and Terms & Definitions

  • Government Quality Assurance (GQA)

  • The Governance, Assurance and Improvement (GAI) Model

  • GAI defined

  • The MOD (and across NATO) policy for quality – GAI

  • JSP 940 complete acquisition cycle – MOD

  • JSP 940 complete acquisition cycle – MOD + your involvement

  • Quiz: Understanding NATO (MOD) acquisition principles

  • Ancient words of wisdom – still true today!

  • MOD’s and their suppliers’ Quality Policy – role of the QMPs

  • Exercise: Benchmarking your Quality Policy using the QMPs

  • Key Performance Indicator for Supplier Quality

  • KPI for Quality – defined & explained

  • Evaluation criteria tables

  • KPI for Quality – evaluation/response

AQAP Selection Guidance

  • Purpose and applicability (AQAP-4107-SRD.2)

  • Accessing NATO’s AQAP standards

  • NATO Standardization Office (NSO)

  • ISO 9001~AQAP-2110 and AS9100~AQAP-2310

  • Organization AQAP selection – AQAP-4107-SRD.2

  • Exercise: Selecting the appropriate AQAP

Chapter 1 – Introduction

  • What your organization needs to do

  • Quiz: ‘Applicable’ requirements to satisfy the contract

  • Why your organization needs to do it

  • Exercise: Why is AQAP-2110/23120 now a requirement?

  • AQAP-2110 and AQAP-2310 documents (Requirements/Guidance)

AQAP-2110 & AQAP 2310 QMS requirements

  • 4.1 Applicability of ISO 9001/AS9100 requirements – the QMS

  • 4.2 Quality Management System and its Processes

  • Exercise: Meeting ‘basic’ ISO 9001 QMS requirements

  • Example: QMS operational processes (sequence & interactions)

  • 4.3 Access to Supplier and External Providers and Support for GQA Activities

  • 5.2.1 Risk Management {6.1 (8.1 + 8.4.1)}

  • Questionnaire: Identifying programme/contract risk

AQAP-2110 & AQAP 2310 organization requirements

  • 5.3.1 Infrastructure {7.1.3}

  • 5.3.3 Competence {7.2}

  • 5.3.4 Awareness {7.3}

  • Quiz: Infrastructure, Competence and Awareness

  • 5.4.1 Operational planning and control {8.1}

  • Quiz: Operational planning and control

  • Quality Plan

  • QP solution compliance matrix

  • Configuration Management

  • Configuration Management (CM) requirements

  • Configuration Management Plan (CMP)

  • ISO 9000:2015 definitions

  • 5.4.5 Dependability

  • Dependability disciplines (IEC 60300 series standards)

  • Quiz: Quality Plan, Configuration Management and Dependability

  • Reminder: focus of this management orientation session

  • Exclusions from this management orientation session

AQAP-2110 & AQAP 2310 products, nonconformities, and corrective actions requirements

  • 5.4.8 Identification and traceability {8.5.2}

  • 5.4.10 Preservation {8.5.4}

  • 5.4.11 Release of products {8.6}

  • AQAP-2131 – NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Final Inspection and Test

  • Example of a Certificate of Conformity (COC)

  • 5.4.12 Control of nonconforming products {8.7}

  • 5.6.1 Nonconformity and corrective action {10.2}

  • Quiz: Product quality related requirements

AQAP-2110 & AQAP 2310 top management requirements

  • 5.1.1 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities {5.3}

  • Exercise: Leadership and management representative

  • 5.4.2 Customer communications {8.2.1}

  • 5.5.1 Customer satisfaction {9.1.2}

  • Quiz: Processes for customer communications and customer satisfaction

Internal audit and Management review requirements

  • 5.5.2 Internal audit {9.2}

  • Management Review Input {9.3.2}

  • Management Review Output {9.3.3}

  • Exercise: Management review

Things to do – Projects

  • Reviewing and upgrading your QMS processes

  • Role of the Management representative

  • Upgrading your existing QMS

  • QMS – Effective and Economical?

  • How will the MOD evaluate your QMS?

  • Top management assignment: critically reviewing Scope

  • Understanding 'right-of-access' to your organization and supply chain for GQA Activities

  • Prioritized projects

  • Exercise: Things to do to ensure full AQAP-2110/2310 conformity

Qualifications & benefits

TEC’s e-Learning empowerment course is aimed at top managers and marketing/sales personnel who need to –

  • understand the vital importance of upgrading their QMS to address MOD/NATO requirements

  • learn how to do business with defence

  • interpret the related terminology and acronyms

  • know how to download the AQAP-documents free-of-charge

  • grasp the requirements which are particularly relevant to management

  • feel confident to delegate QMS development and deployment to quality professionals

This highly interactive e-Learning course can be completed in 8-hours - 12-hours. It uses a combination of downloaded documents, Videos, Quizzes and Exercises to ensure full understanding of the principles and practices involved.

Buy now

Buy AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning

The course is delivered as an online e-Learning module via the TEC Transnational Ltd learning platform - personalised for learners. Set the number of learners and provide their email addresses at the checkout.

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (Arabic)

Course language: AE - Arabic

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (Chinese (Simplified))

Course language: CN - Chinese (Simplified)

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (Deutsch)

Course language: DE - Deutsch

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (English)

Course language: EN - English

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (Español)

Course language: ES - Español

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (Français)

Course language: FR - Français

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (italiano)

Course language: IT - italiano

AQAP-2110 & AQAP-2310 – Management orientation session - eLearning (Japanese)

Course language: JA - Japanese

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