Course overview
Disciplined problem solving and 8D is a systematic approach which focuses on the causes of problems as opposed to simply addressing their symptoms! The methodology is structured into eight disciplines (8Ds), emphasizing a cross-functional team synergy let by a qualified facilitator and the use of tried-and-tested quality tools and techniques.
By the end of this interactive course and workshop participants will understand the array of ‘disciplined’ problem solving tools (including ‘Human Factors’ and ‘Multiple-path Root Cause’) and be able to facilitate and document value-adding problem-solving exercises using the Eight Disciplines (8D) in conformity with customer-specific requirements.
This course meets in full the training syllabus of AESQ RM13000:2023 (8D Problem Solving Method) and the requirements of ARP9136:2016 (Aerospace Series - Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving [9S Methodology])
Assessment of learning is achieved through structured Team exercises and an aerospace Case Study. Our tutors provide feedback and advisement to ensure that risk-based thinking, ethical behaviour, human factors and associated best practices are fully understood in the context of the aerospace/defence industry.
All participants undertake an assessed Team Case Study to test their application of 8D
On-site coaching (option)
TEC also offer on-site coaching session delivered over 1- or 2-days as an option. We facilitate an 8D problem solving session with the organization’s Champion, Team Leader and designated team members.
Course details
8D standards and guidance
RM13000:2023 Problem Solving Methods
AS13000:2014 – Problem Solving Requirements for Suppliers
ARP9136:2016 – Aerospace Series - Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving (9S Methodology)
The course is delivered over two consecutive days with continual assessment and feedback provided by the tutors.
Course structure
Day #1
Understanding and describing different types of problems
8D related terminology
Defining what is wrong with what
Finding the causes of problems
Proving root causes
Creating and deploying corrective action [prevention – detection – avoidance]
Day #2
Overview of the 8D method
8D prioritization calculator
Explanation and illustration of the 8D steps [objective, actions and essentials]
Extended team exercises
Day #1
Disciplined problem-solving participants – facilitator and team members
Quiz: Traits of a good facilitator
Team exercise: Delivering an ‘ice-breaker’ – but why?
Overview of ‘disciplined’ problem solving
Problems related to levels of staff!
Quiz: 8D related terminology [source: AS13000:2014]
Understanding and describing different types of problems
Defining a problem
Clarifying and describing problems
Data collection – Check sheets & Data Forms
Creating an explicit problem statement
Exercise: The problem, the effect and the goal
Example: Clarifying and describing problems
Exercise: Defining ‘good’ product/service (toast & coffee)
Customer satisfaction (aka VOC) issues
Determining VOC and ‘stratification’
Exercise: Stratification analysis (Pizza delivery)
Example: Stratification analysis (Pizza delivery)
Kano Model – Customer satisfaction analysis tool
Exercise: VOC, Stratification and Kano
Defining what is wrong with what
Getting started – essential ‘structured questions’
Survey: Problem solving tools
Defining problems – ‘IS – IS NOT’ questioning
‘IS – IS NOT’ questioning matrix
‘IS – IS NOT’ questions and recorded answers
Exercise: the burned toast problem
Measles Chart
Defect Concentration Diagram
Workmanship and Visual Inspection ‘difficulties’
Finding the causes of problems
Understanding the causes of problems
The three types of causes
Exercise: Understanding the three types of causes
Domestic example of the “5-WHYS” method
Keep the team asking why – the “5-WHYS” method
Beware ‘operator error’ answers!
IAQG’s human factors (root causes)
Details of the IAQG’s human factors (root causes)
Exercise: Why did the toast burn?
Manufacturing example of 5-WHYs method
Exercise: Coolant leaking from a machine tool
ISHIKAWA diagram – aka Fishbone diagram
The “6Ms” method cause – different perspectives
Example: The burned toast problem
ISHIKAWA diagram – different ‘perspectives’
Exercise: Why did the toast burn?
Understanding ‘logic paths’ and Boolean operators
Understanding the ‘Swiss cheese’ model
Example: The car won’t start!
Exercise: multiple ‘logic paths’ of failures
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Boolean operators
Example: The car won’t start!
Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Finding root causes from different ‘sources’
Finding root causes from different ‘sources’
Proving root causes
Searching for root causes (possible/plausible/probable)
Verifying the root cause – the “therefore test”
Exercise: Root cause verification using the “therefore test”
Verifying the root cause – “Occam’s Razor”
Verifying the root cause – “Sherlock Holmes quotation”
Proving root cause – “Sense/Voting” & “IS – IS NOT test”
Exercise: Burned toast ~ using ‘IS – IS NOT’ questions
Creating and deploying corrective action
Problems ~ Corrective action ~ Goal/Target statement
Example: Problem and Goal Statements
Fixing the problem – permanently!
Determining corrective actions – Brainstorming
Determining corrective actions
Classify causes and their corrective actions
Mistake-proofing strategies
Exercise: Determining/classifying corrective actions
Tools to assist corrective action determination
Six Hats Thinking
Impact & Effort Matrix
Consider risks and make a choice
Exercise: Impact-effort matrix
Day #2
8D Problem Solving
Problem solving/documenting using the 8D method
Outline of the 8D steps
Exercise: Summary of the 8D steps – match the ‘Ds’
Exercise: Preforming an 8D triage
8D comparisons with other methodologies
8D prioritization calculator
8D timelines (AS13100-specific)
8D reporting form [AS13000]
8D reporting form [AESQ]
8D steps – objective, actions and essentials & illustration
D0 Implement immediate containment and prepare for 8D
D0 – Objective
D0 – Actions
D0 – Essentials
D1 Form the team
D1 – Objective
Cross-functional team and Facilitator
D1 – Actions
D1 – Essentials
D2 Define the problem
D2 – Objective
Make use of the actual product or photographs
D2 – Actions
D2 – Essentials
D3 Develop containment actions
D3 – Objective
D3 – Actions
D3 – Essentials
D4 Identify and verify root causes
D4 – Objective
D4 – Actions
D4 – Essentials
Identification of the most probably root cause
Illustration – PROCESS root causes
Illustration – SYSTEM root causes
D5 Identify corrective action
D5 – Objective
D5 – Actions
Illustration – corrective actions aimed at the PROCESS
Illustration – corrective actions aimed at the SYSTEM
D5 – Essentials
D6 Implement corrective action
D6 – Objective
D6 – Actions
Illustration – PROCESS deployment and test
Illustration – SYSTEM deployment and test
D6 – Essentials
D7 Define and plan preventive action
D7 – Objective
D7 – Actions
D7 – Essentials
D8 Recognize the team
D8 – Objective
D8 – Actions
D8 – Essentials
Team Exercises – 8D assessment
8D assessment exercise options –
Undertake an 8D assessment of the Case Study “The Missing Rivets”
Undertake an 8D study undertaken within your organization
Extended questions & answers
8D Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Performance metrics (KPIs) for 8D projects
Defining KPI Targets using ‘SMART’ criteria
A3 Problem-Solving – an alternative methodology
A3 Problem-Solving report
Understanding the A3 steps
Examples: A3 reports
A3 follow-up and evaluation of results
Benefits of using A3 problem solving report and process
Extended questions & answers
Who should attend
Champions/Sponsors, Facilitators and Team Leaders who must respond to customer requests for corrective action using the 8D process and communicate progress using the 8D Problem Solving Form of AS13000.
Particular emphasis is placed on empowering, as well as qualifying, the individuals who will be facilitating 8D workshops.
Apart from these nominated ‘Facilitators’ all persons participating in the cross-functional problem-solving team will benefit from attending this course.
This is a TEC "Practitioner" course – consequently it incorporates "train-the-trainer".
Deliverables & benefits
Students attending this course, and successfully undertaking the Quizzes and Exercises, will receive a training certificate containing the TEC Transnational Logo (recognised training provider).
The 8D problem solving methodology covers three key stages of correction and corrective action. This course empowers participants to -
Act rapidly to put immediate containment action in place to protect the customer (stop the bleeding!)
Find and fix the root cause with a permanent corrective action on all current product
Prevent the recurrence of the problem in the future by identifying and implementing preventive action anywhere possible within the organization
Organizations need to empower a Champion/Sponsor, Facilitator(s) and team members in the 8D problem solving methodology in line with the requirements of the AS13000 standard.
Organizations offering 8D problem solving embedded in their QMS will have a distinct competitive advantage.
TEC's 2-day course will empower and qualify all of the organization’s cross-functional team members to undertake value-adding 8D problem solving and communicate progress to the customer concerned using the 8D Problem Solving Form of AS13000.
The individuals attending will learn how to use a set of powerful quality tools for both data collection and analysis. In addition they will be able to plan and facilitate 8D problem solving exercises.